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This document explains all syntax features of LionWiki-t2t, which is based on txt2tags.

This syntax is quite easy to learn, but it's also quite strict: if what you write differ a bit from the rules, the results might be unpredicable and deceptive. Try to especially take care of the spaces used in the syntax. To master the txt2tags markup efficiently, you are adviced to read the manual which can be found there.

The general lionwiki-t2t help is there.



== Heading H2 ==
=== Heading H3 ===
==== Heading H4 ====

No extra characted, except spaces (even if I personnally advice to avoid them, and instead to start writing the markup at the beginning of the line), are allowed before the heading markup. Spaces are not required around the part to be marked as heading, but it might be more readable this way.

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4


Unordered list

- Fruit
 - Apple
   - Granny smith
 - Orange
- Vegetables
 - Garlic
 - Onion

You must add exactly one space after each dash to enable the list.

  • Fruit
    • Apple
      • Granny smith
    • Orange
  • Vegetables
    • Garlic
    • Onion

Ordered list

+ First item 
 + First subitem 
  + First subsubitem
  + Second subsubitem
  + Third subsubitem
 + Second subitem
  1. First item
    1. First subitem
      1. First subsubitem
      2. Second subsubitem
      3. Third subsubitem
    2. Second subitem

Text styles

  • **Bold**Bold (two stars)
  • //Italic//Italic (two slash)
  • **//Bold and italic//**Bold and italic (combination of the above)
  • --Strikethrough--Strikethrough
  • __Underlined__Underlined

    You can't add extra spaces at the boundaries of the part you want to mark with the styles above. This part can contain spaces (if it's a sentence), but not after the first mark, and not before the last mark : the marks must be glued with the contents.


|| title 1  | title 2 |
|  item 1 | item 2 |
|  item 3 | item 4 |

title 1 title 2
item 1 item 2
item 3 item 4

Additional syntax

In addition to the normal txt2tags syntax, here are some new markup. You can customise, extend or configure most of them in the config.t2t file in the root of the wiki, or in txt2tags.class.php file.

  • Random numbers


    will display a number between 1 and 100



  • Progression bar


    will display a progress bar of 10%




    will display a progress bar of 3 out of 7



  • Tags :


Links to other local wiki pages can be created like this for a single word: [[main]] ⇨ main

With some label, use this syntax: [[This is the main page|main]]

Which is similar to: [This is the main page index.php?page=main]

This is the main page

An external link would be:

[This is the duck duck go search engine]

This is the duck duck go search engine

Emails and web links are automatically recognized:

You can use also relative links (inside the wiki):



If you need a way to upload images (or other files), check the upload action

The images are on the same principle as the links:


or with an internal link to the wiki:


Vector svg images are also possible:



Subpages are useful when you need to insert some common content into multiple pages, example could be a navigational menu or some repeated content.

Syntax: %!include:var/pages/latest.txt

Multilingual content

Let's say you have page named "Biography" in German and you would like to make French variant. Rename page Biography to and create page named and insert French translation there. Then visitors whose browser identifies primary language as French will see It's recommended to create a redirect from page Biography to default language variant. The obvious limitation is that page name has to stay the same in every language variant. That's not such a big problem with "Biography", but it can be worse with other names.

This is recommended way to create multilingual content, there are more ways to do it.

Table of contents

Automatically generated table of contents can be inserted with %%toc


Some sequences of characters are automatically replaced:

  • Arrows : --> : ⇨
  • Dash : --- : —


Code syntax is useful when you need to keep original spacing and layout of text

  • For blockquote rendering, we use

    block of text block continuation

    text block
    block continuation

  • For "pre" rendering, we use

    ``` Some code

    Some code

  • For code within a sentence

    Here is ``some code``within a sentence.

This is some code within a sentence.

Horizontal line


HTML code

Do you want to insert youtube video to your site? Or any other HTML code? Just insert it between ''some html code''.

If you need to include a whole block, enter it like that:

HTML code
more code

This does not have to work if config value $NO_HTML is set to true. Note that it is serious security risk if you allow users to post HTML code in your wiki.


LionWiki joins adjacent newlines together, if you need more than one newline, use [//..].

Internal comments

You can insert internal comments not intended to be displayed using a % at the beginning of a line.

Basic Markdown support

There is also basic support for Markdown. Headings with hashtag #, boldface with **, links, lists are supported as they are unlikely to interfere with the text. Titles with the hashtag will not be included in the table of contents (this may be added in the future). Italics, with a single _ or *, are not supported, as their use is problematic (conflict with a single character). We encourage the use of the more logical txt2tags (//text in italics//) instead.

Examples :


### Heading level 3 in markdown

Heading level 3 in markdown


[Markdown link to duck duck go](

Markdown link to duck duck go


* markdown list
* markdown list
  • markdown list
  • markdown list


> E-mail like comment

E-mail like comment

̴̴Striked text̴̴

Striked text