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Aurelio Jargas


This text is before the introduction.

But it's OK.


Welcome to the txt2tags sample file.

Here you have examples and a brief explanation of all marks.

The first 3 lines of this file are used as headers, on the following format:

line1: document title
line2: author name, email
line3: date, version

Lines with balanced equal signs = around are titles.

Fonts and Beautifiers

We have two sets of fonts:

The NORMAL type that can be improved with beautifiers.

The TYPEWRITER type that uses monospaced font for pre-formatted text.

We will now enter on a subtitle...


The text marks for beautifiers are simple, just as you type on a plain text email message.

We use double *, /, - and _ to represent bold, italic, strike and underline.

The bold italic style is also supported as a combination.

Pre-Formatted Text

We can put a code sample or other pre-formatted text:

  here    is     pre-formatted
//marks// are  **not**  ``interpreted``

And also, it's easy to put a one line pre-formatted text:

prompt$ ls /etc

Or use pre-formatted inside sentences.

More Cosmetics

Special entities like email ( and URL ( are detected automagically, as long as the horizontal line:

^ thin or large v

You can also specify an explicit link or an explicit email with label.

And remember,

A TAB in front of the line does a quotation.
More TABs, more depth (if allowed).



A list of items is natural, just putting a dash or a plus at the beginning of the line.

Plain List

The dash is the default list identifier. For sublists, just add spaces at the beginning of the line. More spaces, more sublists.

  • Earth
    • America
      • South America
        • Brazil
          • How deep can I go?
    • Europe
      • Lots of countries
  • Mars
    • Who knows?

The list ends with two consecutive blank lines.

Numbered List

The same rules as the plain list, just a different identifier (plus).

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
    • mixed lists!
    • what a mess
      1. counting again
      2. ...
  4. four

Definition List

The definition list identifier is a colon, followed by the term. The term contents is placed on the next line.

a yellow fruit
a green or red fruit
other fruits
  • wee!
  • mixing lists
    1. again!
    2. and again!


Use pipes to compose table rows and cells. Double pipe at the line beginning starts a heading row. Natural spaces specify each cell alignment.

cell 1.1 cell 1.2 cell 1.3
cell 2.1 cell 2.2 cell 2.3
cell 3.1 cell 3.2 cell 3.3
heading 1 heading 2 heading 3
cell 1.1 cell 1.2 cell 1.3
cell 2.1 cell 2.2 cell 2.3
heading 1 cell 1.1 cell 1.2
heading 2 cell 2.1 cell 2.2
heading 3 cell 3.1 cell 3.2
heading heading 1 heading 2
heading 1 cell 1.1 cell 1.2
heading 2 cell 2.1 cell 2.2

Without the last pipe, no border:

cell 1.1 cell 1.2 cell 1.3
cell 2.1 cell 2.2 cell 2.3
cell 3.1 cell 3.2 cell 3.3
heading 1 heading 2 heading 3
cell 1.1 cell 1.2 cell 1.3
cell 2.1 cell 2.2 cell 2.3
heading 1 cell 1.1 cell 1.2
heading 2 cell 2.1 cell 2.2
heading 3 cell 3.1 cell 3.2
heading heading 1 heading 2
heading 1 cell 1.1 cell 1.2
heading 2 cell 2.1 cell 2.2

Special Entities

Because things were too simple.


The image mark is as simple as it can be: filename.

And with some targets the image is linkable :

  • The filename must end in PNG, JPG, GIF, or similar.
  • No spaces inside the brackets!


When the target needs, special chars like <, > and & are escaped.

The handy %%date macro expands to the current date.

So today is 20250211 on the ISO YYYYMMDD format.

You can also specify the date format with the %? flags, as %%date(%m-%d-%Y) which gives: 02-11-2025.

That's all for now.
